Content tagged 'dessert'

Hershey Kiss cookies
Hershey Kiss cookies (AKA peanut butter blossoms) are one of our all time favorite cookies--peanut butter and chocolate are simply meant for each other. We grew up having these mostly around the holidays, but there is no reason why this delicious cookie has to be limited to a few short months. We haven't been to a summer picnic yet where these weren't the first dessert to be finished off.

Oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies
Chocolate chip cookies are in our minds the perfect American comfort food. Quick to make and hard to beat, our recipe is like what mom used to make (at least if you had a mom that made really good chocolate chip cookies). We use lots of oatmeal and large chocolate chunks which gives the cookies a great texture. Baked until just set, the resulting cookie stays chewy after it's cool. Make these for a party and you'll be a hero.

No-bake Ritz Cracker cookies
In a shameless attempt to rip-off the venerable Girl Scouts Tagalongs, we came across a deceptively simple technique to make cookies out of Ritz Crackers. We were skeptical, but how bad can a Ritz be with peanut butter and chocolate? After a taste test the verdict is in: these are killer.